Discover the facts behind the faith!

Join us for this four-part series as Dr. Anthony Kent, armed with evidence from his global explorations, shares compelling insights into the Bible, Jesus, Christianity and Faith. 
Invite your friends and save the date and don't miss out on a fascinating evening.

Get ready to be inspired as we welcome 
Dr. Anthony Kent to our community

Hailing from the land down under but now calling Washington D.C. home, Dr Kent brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for sharing the transformative power of the Christian message. He is not just a speaker, but an adventurer on a mission, travelling the globe for speaking engagements and fact-finding assignments.

Beyond Blind Faith - Discovering Tangible Facts
1. Evidence for the Bible

What if the Bible isn't just a collection of old stories but holds hidden truths about life and the universe?
Find out in this eye-opening series.

2. Evidence for the Jesus

Who was this Jesus man, really? Did he exist or was he just a myth?
Come explore compelling evidence for his life, death, and resurrection.

3. Evidence for Christianity

Why is Christianity so widespread, even in places with no gospel access?
Uncover the surprising reach of its message and impact on the world.

4. Evidence for Faith

Have you ever struggled with doubts about your faith?
Come listen to how Dr. Kent found strength in his journey of discovery.


“Evidence program exceeded my expectations! Fresh perspective on Christianity, Biblical evidence, and personal faith.”


Invernes, Scotland

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